3 concept values

The concept of Experiential-learning.eu is built upon 3 core principles: an adventure trip, coaching and experiential learning techniques throughout the trip..

Outdoor Adventure

Outdoor is a powerful tool. To nature you cannot lie. When it is warm, you get sunburned, when it’s raining, you get wet!

With nature you don’t mess around. We use nature as a mirror to get into contact with your feelings and emotions.

Nature and adventure are as a married couple. Sometime they fight. They confront us with our deepest fears and laughs. But they are soulmates forever. They always find a solution to go on.

We will not give you the perfect adventure. We give the group a lot of suggestions, things to do, tips, tricks. We will give you everything you need for the adventure. And we will give the group some challenges.

The group decides what the definition of adventure will be. Hiking (or any other technique) will be part of the adventure. But how the hiking will take place, is not us that decides. The group – and you decides about food, the length of the hike, the schedule, the material,… Will the group sleep in tents or do we make a shelter, … . We provide you with the materials, and YOU decide!

The experience gained, you will use (for sure) in your next travels, your professional life, in your family, with your kids, … .


Coaching (our extra twist on each trip)

During your trip, we will also work with a personal development issue that you bring with you. For all of you this issue can be different. It could be a personal question/dilemma that you’re facing in your life, till a more existential question you’re struggling with or you would like to have some time to think about.

Examples are:

  • Shall I go for a new exciting job but I don’t want to jump into it, and leave my comfortable life as I have now with all the security and safety around me?

  • I have an idea to start up something new in my life (a business idea), but I don’t know how to do this, which steps I have to undertake, do I have the guts to do it, … .

  • I think I have met the partner of my life, but do I dare to jump into a more intensive commitment with him/here (marriege, living together, ...)?

  • You can also bring a more existential question with you : “Is this what I have in my life, that I want for the rest of it?”

  • … end much more.

Every person will be asked to formulate a question which he/she wants to discover intensively during our trip. We will discover together with you in a safe, nice, funny and adventurous way some of your possible answers and define steps how to grow to the solution.

Experiential Learning

We’re using the model of David. A. Kolb as starting point to work with experiential learning. His concept is using the 4 elements: concrete experience, observe and reflect, forming abstract concepts, experimenting and reviewing.

[1] Concrete experience

Going through different exercises, participants on our activities are invited to gather concrete new experiences around a certain theme(s).

[2] Observation and reflection

After finishing an exercise/experience, an in-depth reflection happens on the experiences that people went through. What did we see, what happened, how did we behave, what did we feel and what do we learn from this experience!

[3] Formulating abstract concepts

From the observations and reflections, we try to find common explanations/behaviour and we try to transfer these new insights towards our current environment. Concrete experiences are discussed, new concepts are clarified and discovered.

[4] Experimenting and testing

New acquired skills/behaviour will be implemented and tested in new situations. If needed the process is adjusted.

Experiential learning programs can be used to:

  • deal with conflicts within groups/persons,

  • strenghten working in teams,

  • conflict managment,

  • personal- and professional relations,

  • personal empowerment,

  • ... .

Experiential learning stimulates motivation and participation of persons in gaining (new) knowledge, skills and attitudes.